greengate's gardensense:

At greengate, we are all about helping you achieve success with your gardening and yard projects.

Learn how to grow healthy plants and trees.

Join our experts for tips and in depth gardening information.

• If you are a bit of an online learner, we have created greengate GrowHow VIDEOS of growing tips and information to watch.

Or at your leisure, explore our extensive "Learning" section of our web site. We have lots of photos and information along with gardening tips, do's and dont's.

• Take in our summer greengate GrowHow gardening presentations* in our greenhouse.

Visit our "greengate events" page for a listing of event dates and topics.

Note: *watch for updates as we re-open from COVID-19 Restrictions

If you have a question email us at:

and you know we'll do our best to help.

If you find something Calgary gardeners would be interested in, send us a picture and we'll post here on our site with our take on the issue.

At greengate Garden Centres, we want you to have the best gardening success possible.
That has always been our goal.